AmigaActive (2133/2143)

Date:31 May 2000 at 23:30:02
Subject:680xx cpu/fpu speed

Hello All,
I want to get max performance out of my A1200for internet and graphics.
Seems prob is AGA set is slow + many things rely on chip mem and ignore 32mb
of fast ram.
I have Apollo 1232........... /030 Accelerator NO FPU have mmu but try
options like copyback, virtual..........nothing seems to happen.
CPU CACHE BURST is required and apparently is accepted and implemented - but
how do I know?

Doc with accelerator says FPU required is Motorola MC68882FN40A (PLCC
package) says should be ok at 50mhz.......does this mean it NEEDS 50 mhz or
ok uo to 50mhz?

I intend to get a FPU but how can I check whether CPU is
25.........40.......or 50mhz?
(Not towered so 68040 or 60 seem not suitable accell to get) i.e. stuck
with 030:-(
also cash not abundant!! tell me your hard luck story :-)

Before lashing out for FPU I would like to be clear what involved and
improvements to expect.

Got FBlit (3.26..?) from Aminet - no docs - how use it ??? and is it as
good as some posts on this list have implied ?

I would be grateful (not quite eternally !) for any advice on how to speed
thing up.

*Wordworth (1V..?) Ai200/2000 version* - HORRIBLY Slow - doesn't seem to
know about fast ram.
*Miami 3.2b*
*YAM 2.0*
*OS 3.0*
*KS 39.xx*
*32mb fast RAM*
*500meg HD*
*US Robotics Courier V34 modem*

*Thanks in advance*


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